Recently we received a super fun idea in our mailbox from follower Linda: the Board Game Advent Calendar. And that idea is not only fun for us, but also for you! Linda has worked it out completely on paper and you can read how it works exactly below. Take it away Linda!

There are several advent calendars on the market, also for dice lovers. However, there is no really fun board game advent calendar. Because I like a good challenge, I decided to come up with my own advent calendar last year. It is actually more of an advent challenge, and that makes it unique. The challenge is to play all 24 games in December and, for extra excitement, to complete them within 24 days.

For this Advent challenge you will need:

  • A list of all your games
  • A set of favorite game mechanics (I chose 12 mechanics myself)
  • A refillable advent calendar (I bought a refillable calendar via Amazon, but you can also find simple versions at stores like Action)

My calendar contains 24 square boxes, for which I made 24 square cards. On the front I write the game mechanism, and on the back I stick a laminated piece of paper on which I can write the games that belong to this mechanism. This way I can put together unique sets every year. Each game may only be placed with one mechanism.

As a big game fanatic I have quite a collection, and I will explain how I make my lists. I will also give tips if you have a smaller collection. My way is a bit more complex, but I will also share a simpler version.

How I did it:

  1. Choose the games from your collection that you want to include in this challenge. I chose 72, which means I have an average of six games per mechanism.
  2. For each mechanism, list games that contain that mechanism. Many games have multiple mechanisms, so add them to each relevant mechanism.
  3. With 12 mechanisms you make 12 lists. Start with the mechanism that has the least games:
    • Games that only have this mechanism belong to this group.
    • Are there fewer games than average? Then fill the list with games that fit the other mechanisms the least.
    • Are there more games than average? Then choose games that occur least with other mechanisms.
  4. Games that you have chosen and that are also listed in other mechanisms, you cross out from the other mechanisms.
  5. Repeat these steps until you have gone through all the mechanisms. Always choose the mechanism with the least games.
  6. On the back of the mechanism cards, write the games that go with them.
  7. Because I have two sets of 12 (each mechanism appears twice), I divide the cards into two piles. I use the first set for the days 1 to 12 December, the second set for the days 13 to 24 December. Try to do it in such a way that it remains a surprise which mechanism is used on which day.

Tips for a simpler version: For you I have created a Google Sheet that can generate the lists automatically. You can open the file via this link and save it as a copy in your own Google Drive. You can also work directly in the document, but then other users can make changes.

Divide the games per mechanism as you like. Do you have an advent calendar that fits larger cards, or are you not that handy? Then make small notes that you can fold, like for drawing lots. Write a mechanism on each note and divide these folded notes over the boxes of the calendar. In addition, make a list of games per mechanism on a loose piece of paper or a whiteboard. For an easier challenge, games can appear in multiple lists.

Have fun with this unique Advent challenge and enjoy all your games this December!


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