Braincrack Games The Gig - Board Game (ENG)
The Gig is a game in which players are members of a jazz group who improvise their way through a song, competing to take the spotlight and please the crowd while creating amazing solos! The game consists of six rounds, also called "numbers". In each song, players count down, roll and place dice in real time to get symbols and create patterns. When a player has placed all four of his dice, he shouts "Take it to the bridge!" and other players must stop rerolling and place the remaining dice. After all the dice have been placed, players can add the shape their dice have formed to their instrument's unique solo board, which offers a different challenge and method of scoring. Players can use symbols obtained from the number and their solo boards to quickly change their dice, save them for end-of-game scoring, or spend them to purchase audience cards, each representing a newly acquired fan that gives you a different way to score points at the end of the game. After the six-song setlist has been played, the player with the most points earned from their solo, audience cards, harmonies and symbol sets wins.