Kinfire Chronicles: Night's Fall is a cooperative campaign game for 1-4 players that combines thrilling fantasy adventure with tactical, nerve-wracking combat. Play as one of six unique Seekers, sworn to protect the city of Din'Lux and help rebuild the world beyond. to build. Armed with kinfire lanterns, you brave the Starless Nights, fight the creatures that appear, and protect each other from the evil forces that want to stop you.
Each quest has three phases: adventure, combat, and exploration. In the adventure phase, players make choices based on options presented on quest cards and must accomplish something (such as crossing a river or pursuing a suspect) by turning over the appropriate number and color of cards from their decks. In the combat phase, players work together to defeat enemies on a physical battle board. Turns are determined by drawing tokens from the destination bag, with each enemy having numbered tokens corresponding to different attacks and actions. Players can play action cards on their own turns to deal damage, and can play boost cards during other players' turns to do things like reduce damage, move players, or even return a drawn token to the destination bag for a new draw. The game does not end if an objective is not completed or an enemy defeats the heroes, but it will affect the rest of the game and the choices available. Finally, certain quests allow players to return to town during the exploration phase to talk to NPCs, purchase items, and strengthen their decks.
Each of these stages has cards woven into them that force you to make choices, such as resting before continuing or jumping straight into battle, or choosing whether or not to spare someone’s life. The characters in the game have their own morals and standards, and playing according to your character can earn you Kinfire tokens that help you develop further. Ultimately, however, the decisions you make are entirely up to you.