Go on an adventure in the world of the Vikings and work as a trader, hunter or plunderer. Build houses, discover distant lands and contribute to the celebration of Odin every round. In this grand strategic game, Uwe Rosenberg takes you to a bygone era. A variety of action options and equipment cards for your Northmen guarantee a unique game, where you try to optimize the possibilities on your player board every time!
“Odin” is a saga in the form of a board game. You relive the cultural successes, trading expeditions and plunderings of the tribes we now know as “Vikings”. This term came to be used very differently around the end of the first millennium. When the northerners went on a plundering expedition they said they were going on a "viking". The Scandinavian
ancestors, however, were much more than ordinary pirates. They were explorers, traders and founders of states. Leif Eriksson was probably the first European in America, long before Columbus. In the region now called Normandy, the invaders were not called Vikings but “Normans”. One of them was the famous William the Conqueror who invaded England in 1066. He achieved what the King of Norway could not achieve a few years earlier: conquering the English throne.
The fact that the people of that time became good sailors had to do with the fact that it was difficult to live from agriculture alone. Major crop shortages caused much suffering. In this game you can plunder and discover new areas. You also experience what everyday life was like by collecting goods that give you a strong position in society. Ultimately, the game is won by the player whose possessions are worth the most.